Helping Families to Have an Affordable Home

The Mady Foundation’s other focus is helping develop safe and affordable housing for everyone. We are looking to collaborate with organizations, developers, and entrepreneurs in efforts to create beautiful communities that are not labeled “the projects”. Affordable housing can also be tiny homes, pocket neighborhoods, micro-apartments, container homes, and more. The Mady Foundation is looking to impact our families and communities positively. Our ideas include creating tech hubs and libraries, so everyone has an opportunity to achieve their goals without having to worry about the tools they need to move forward…

TMF Urban Community
Development Project

Through the Urban Community Development Project, we are looking to empower the families by educating the importance of of their own buy-in into their community, understanding the importance of financial literacy, living within their means and understanding the importance of credit


TMF will have programs in place that will teach the following to families which will cover the following:

 Money Management 

Financial Literacy 

What is credit and the importance of it 

Credit Repair 

Homebuyers Programs 

Family Engagement 

Extended Family Services 

Community Development 

Affordable Housing 

Tiny Homes Concepts 

Pocket Neighborhood Concepts 

Container Home Concepts 

Educating the community on the importance of advocacy

Tiny Home Concept

While there is no official definition of a tiny house, it is generally thought of as a small house, typically sized under 600 square feet . While they can be built on foundations, most tiny homes are built with trailers or containers.

Tiny homes are less expensive to build and maintain, provide mobility when built on a trailer, and yield a reduced environmental impact .

At an individual level, to live ‘tiny’ necessitates taking a closer inventory of our wants and needs.

Our goal for families is to be able to live in an affordable home in a safe and sustainable community.

The Mady Foundation has also looked at the concept of Pocket Neighborhoods that would address affordable living space for seniors that are on a fixed income 

Community Engagement

The Mady Foundation goal is to connect Community Engagement and our Community Homes.

Our goal is to help our families and communities to understand their personal buy-in when it comes to a sustainable community that will thrive with safe affordable homes that will offer a breathe of fresh air to families.

Our goal is to encourage the saying of “It Takes A Village” to raise a child, in efforts to help our children thrive and have a strong support system behind them to reach their goals.